================================================================ Track Name : Tropical Death Track Type : Deathmatch Release Date : 03/11/96 Version : 1.0 Track Author : Jason Frecknall Track Testers : Just me! Original Track, : Made from scratch Author, Location Graphics Set Required : None Description : Track uses the Tropical Islands gfx Difficulty Comments : Not too Hard Notes : This is my first track Time to Design : About 10 hours (most of which was getting to grips with the Editor) Greets : Greets to John Ball, Gitch, Micheal Smith All at Silltunna for making this great game. Hey, How about making a DOOM game (or better still why not licence DOOM from id Software)? Copyright / Permission Information ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Distribute it anyway you like as long as the level remains unaltered. You can use this track as the basis for your own track as long as you send it in to CU for inclusion on their CD. Disclaimer & Distribution Rules ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This file must be distributed with this section & below in unedited form. All tracks must be distributed with this file in the archive, and this shall be used as the basis for the file description for Aminet/BBS/Other locations. Silltunna Software Ltd./Black Magic Software are NOT responsible for any damage caused directly or indirectly by the use or misuse of XTreme Racing and any related material whether written by us or otherwise. You use this software at your own risk. Distribution ~~~~~~~~~~~~ None of the materials provided by Silltunna Software may be distributed in any form, INCLUDING graphics and track related materials. Only tracks designed TOTALLY by the user may be legally distributed, and no profit may be made from ANY CUSTOM TRACKS and related data without permission and relevant royalty payments to Silltunna Software Ltd. If you do wish to use Silltunna Software Tracks as the basis for your own tracks then please ensure they are sufficiently modified before releasing them publically. If we find tracks that have been released with very little modified then the Author will be in big trouble! Otherwise we will turn a blind eye. By using this software you agree to accept and abide by all these rules. © Copyright Silltunna Software Ltd. 1996 Email: rich@xtreme.demon.co.uk [ Richard Whittall ] Silltunna BBS : 10pm -> 7am : +44 (0)1789 842105 * Call For All the Latest and Best Tracks * Requirements ~~~~~~~~~~~~ XTreme Racing is (of course) required and is 23.99 + 1.00 P&P UK Sterling. XTR requires any AGA Amiga, and is very enhanced for those with accelerators. This track works best with the XTR Upgrade which also includes 20 new tracks, new gfx, the full game/gfx/sfx editor and a major XTR upgrade. Price : 9.99 + 1.00 P&P UK Sterling (Worldwide delivery) Order from : Guildhall Leisure : +44 (0)1302 890000 (all major credit cards) Or write a cheque payable to Guildhall Leisure Services at : Unit 15, Guildhall Industrial Estate, Kirk Sandall, Doncaster South Yorkshire DN3 1QR, England PLEASE SUPPORT US. PLEASE DON'T PLAY PIRATE VERSIONS. A LOT OF WORK HAS GONE INTO THIS PRODUCT AND WE HOPE YOU APPRECIATE IT! ================================================================